What is this trying to show me?

I’ve been hit by a few trucks over the last several years.

Every single time, I look back and think “how did I not see that damn thing coming?”

It’s a freaking truck. It’s huge. It’s loud. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. And I’m way more nimble than a truck. In theory.

And yet, I’ve gotten run over. Multiple times.

Not by an actual truck. Although once it did feel like that. I’m talking about a truck in the sense of the feather, brick and truck metaphor. A feather being a gentle nudge from the universe, a brick being something quite painful and a truck being a life altering, stop everything in its tracks type of event.

In an attempt to avoid any future truck smashings, I’m really trying to take notice of the feathers. It requires slowing down, a self-reflection practice, deep self-connection and self-awareness.

My favorite truck-avoidance question is to ask “what is this trying to show me?” When something feels off. When I notice something unusual. When I don’t like a particular outcome. When I’m feeling exhausted. When I make a sloppy mistake. Hmmmm… What is behind this? How did we get here? What am I not seeing?

With enough practice, I believe my new advanced feather detection capabilities can be powered up to create a full operational anti-brick defense system.


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