When is it not time for tea?

If you know me, you know I love my tea time. And accordingly, this is my new favorite anology.

There is a large portion of the influencer world that consists entirely of recycling the same positive messages and quotes. “Yay. You got this. You are wonderful. Everything is perfect.”

Of course I’m exaggerating, but maybe not by all that much.

I now imagine these influencers on rollercoaster causally sipping some tea with their pinky up as the cart slowly clicks up the track, building more and more potential energy for the big drop.

“What a beautiful day it is.” ~sip~ “The birds are chirping and the squirrels are so playful.” ~sip~ “Oh, what a beautiful view from up here.” ~sip~






Ride stops. Heart pounding. Hair definitely not instagram ready. Completely empty tea cup.

While I certainly don’t wish the rollercoaster on anyone, we all know it’s part of life. Let’s not pretend that it’s all sunshine and butterflies all the time. The positivity and positive mental talk is so important, and we also have to be real.

When you’re buckled up in your cart heading up the first hill of a rollercoaster, do yourself a favor and put the tea away. Perhaps, take some time to enjoy the wonderful new views or use it as an opportunity to see how stable you can keep you hear rate while pulling some g’s around the loops.

But clearly, rollercoasters aren’t the best time for tea.


What do I do with old thought patterns?


What happens when I continue to surrender?