Are tarot cards a gateway to the divine?
I have a confession to make.
Tarot cards played a significant role on my personal journey into mindfulness and spirituality.
When I lived in San Francisco, we had a deck of Spirit Animals cards in our meditation room. I enjoyed pulling cards from the deck. It was purely entertainment at first. And then it became a practice of self reflection. What is this card trying to show me?
I’d start to notice coincidences. I’d pull the Deer card right before crossing a mother deer on my hike. I’d pull a Simplicity card after a group of people shared that my genius is making complex things simple.
I’m aware of biases, randomness and the human desire to connect the dots. But this went far beyond that for me.
The synchronicities and interconnectedness that I saw occurring with tarot cards started appearing in other areas of my life. The cards opened up a pathway of possibility that previously was closed. A true “what if” was now unfolding.
What if everything and everyone is connected somehow, someway, and we’ve been conditioned by society to feel separate? What if we’ve always been deeply intertwined with nature and the cosmos and each other, and we’ve created stories over the centuries to mute this?
This is where my current beliefs reside. I have many more questions than answers that are constantly evolving, but I believe that there is some greater interconnectedness at play. It is a connection that we have sacrificed for convenience. We have become so good at dismissing it that it requires a deep remembering and listening to even get a taste of it. It’s a belief that I’m excited to continue exploring over the course of this lifetime, and I’m grateful for those $20 tarot cards from Amazon for their part in this story.