Is it becoming more difficult to focus?
We have enough evidence to clearly and unequivocally say that we are more distracted as a society than ever before.
We have enough evidence to clearly and unequivocally say that we are more distracted as a society than ever before.
Unlimited streaming options, swiping options, social platforms, content creators, influencers, video games, educational content, workout videos, cooking videos, blogs, microblogs, doomscrolling, polarization, notifications about notifications, environmental catastrophes, economic crisis de jour. You name it, we’ve got it. And we’ve got it way more intense than ever before.
More distractions leads to increasing difficulty to focus.
We have better tools than ever to build our focus muscle.
And therein lies the choice. There is no neutral when it comes to our ability to focus. Facebook and Netflix have armies of engineers hacking your brain. Your entropy is their gain.
If I accept that society is engaging in an all out battle for my attention, focus is rapidly becoming a super power and a game that I am committed to winning.
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