What is my relationship to time?
The combination of the new year and recently turning 40 has guided my mind to wander to many fascinating places.
The combination of the new year and recently turning 40 has guided my mind to wander to many fascinating places.
Leaving aside the philosophical debates about time being a fundamental aspect of the universe vs. a human construct without an objective reality, I’ve been most curious with my personal relationship and beliefs around time.
In the past, I have blamed “time” for things that did not live up to my expectations instead of taking responsibility for my actions. All of these have been there for me at some point:
“There wasn’t enough time to get it all done”
“I need more hours in the day”
“I wish we had more time together”
“Time is working against me”
Every one of those statements was me being a victim of time. While time may be a constraint or a consideration, it was never the root cause. Perhaps prioritization, planning, executing, motivation, organization, or procrastination, but not the fault of time. Time just does its thing and is (relatively, probably) constant for all of us.
My intention is to hold time as precious and sacred, and if I really go deep, as the most beautiful aspect of the human existence. Not a scapegoat for my shortcomings.
I have all the time I need. I am a master allocator of my time. And I choose moment to moment how to best utilize the time that I have.
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