Where do I even begin?

When there’s a giant backlog of things grabbing for attention, it can be easy to get swept up in it. Overwhelm, distraction, procrastination, frustration all might creep in.

It’s important to figure out how you are best equipped to get into action. The answer is not the same for everyone, and it took me a while to realize that.

For some people, like myself, it’s best to spend some effort bringing structure. Put a plan in place. Prioritize. Organize. And then it becomes so much easier to execute.

Other people do best when they just jump right in. Action first. And when they get moving, it all falls into place for them.

And still other people, completely insane folks, they have to feel into it. They rely on their perception to guide the way. I joke about the craziness to this approach because it is so foreign to me, but I know some incredibly successful people who navigate the world this way.

As with almost all things, there’s nuance to it. There are different ways operate, and the key is to know what best serves you in these situations.


What happens if I’m not perfect?


Who makes the decisions?