Why I struggle with non-linear learning?

From the earliest age, we are taught in a linear fashion. First we learn this, and then this, that and the other. The structure, reproducibility and standardization has its benefits for mass education but also teaches us some bad habits.

A mentor and dear friend very much preaches non-linear learning for really complex topics. And I struggle. Mightily. My brain is addicted to learning in a clear progression. I want to know exactly where we’re going and how we’ll get there. And non-linear learning says “absolutely not” to all of that.

When I look back on one year of non-linear teachings, it’s clear that it was vastly superior approach for this particularly difficult concepts. Experiential, collaborative learning on a wide range of loosely connected topics has helped me connect dots that might have taken years. My struggle fueled my curiosity.

I get why non-linear learning isn’t taught in schools and I completely get why I struggle with it, but holy damn. It has been a transformational learning experience not possible in a classroom style, linear fashion.


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