But for real, what should I do?

Yesterday, I wrote my shortest post yet (with moderate levels of snark).

If we accept that we must not do our shoulds, how can we best spend that "should" time instead?

Pick a hobby that brings you a lot of joy. Or spend time cultivating a new hobby.

I found this amazing study about Nobel Prize winning scientists. Here's what it found:

"Studies have found that Nobel Prize-winning scientists are about 25 times more likely to sing, dance or act than the average scientist.

They are 17 times more likely to create visual art.

They are 12 times more likely to write poetry.

They are 4 times more likely to be a musician."

There are many theories why the creative arts allow us to be more successful at whatever it is we are doing. My favorite is the cross pollination theory which says that the ideas in one field can lead to inspiration and innovations in other areas.

When we are hyper diligent about our time and eliminate the shoulds, we have the opportunity to do more of things that bring us joy. And as a wonderful bonus, it actually makes us better at everything else.


Can I embrace the land beyond?


What should I do?