What is the Anti Cancel Culture League?
As a sworn enemy of cancel culture, I am here to inform you that the Anti Cancel Culture League (ACCL) is something I just made up 5 minutes ago. But if it was real, here’s what it would be and why I support it…
First, let’s start off with some real talk. I would absolutely be cancelled based on some of the things I’ve done in my past. No questions, no notes, full cancel. I truly believe that every single human I’ve ever known would be cancelled if the history of their life was fully on display. If you think you are the exception, you are in denial.
Second, I absolutely believe that people should be held accountable for their actions. There is a positive purpose to cancel culture and to what (I believe) it is trying to accomplish. I freaking love humans, I want to live in a more equitable and inclusive society and I’m all for experiments on how we move in that direction.
But. Cancel culture ain’t it.
At its absolute best, we are holding people accountable for their mistakes, which again is a good thing and something I support.
Cancel culture is incredibly problematic though. It’s a form of control. It creates fear. It causes people to be inauthentic. And that’s just the minor stuff. More significantly, It’s increasing polarization. It’s not addressing the root causes. It’s more interested in burning down than finding solutions. It’s inciting violence, causing harm and destroying lives.
If the ACCL did actually exist, it would look towards education and awareness. It would strive for dialogue and discussion. Instead of digging for a reason to cancel someone, we’d seek to understand and connect.
Maybe cancel culture is exactly what we need right now. I hope not, but maybe. It’s easy for me to oppose cancel culture as a white male who would definitely be cancelled. And almost certainly the ACCL isn’t the answer.
If I had a magic wand to wave in this regard, I’d greatly prefer the approach where we take on nuance and compassion over scorched earth. Look towards love and connection over destruction. But maybe that’s my eternal optimist showing again.